OEKOPOST - we deliver greener.

Our Offer

The core of our offer is the fully automated data processing of all volumes in letter despatch. No matter if you decide for a very small volume of a few letters per month, for a billing run on a daily basis or for annual clearings our systems are capable to process all data at a 90% rate. Another main focus is based on the fact that apart from very few exceptions there are no data adaptations necessary in advance. Once the data have been stored in DIN-A4 format you can start right away with no ifs and buts.

*Exceptions are e. g. sort specifications within a given data stream, presuming the recipient will be given several individual bills or when pdf data outputs with related but different numbers of pages have to be exported from a program or when data still have to be enhanced with stationary. In that occasion we ask you to send us your test data in advance so that we can take appropriate measures.

The difference

The main difference to other offers is the direct access to the automated production process which we give you.

In most cases so-called online offers are made on the basis of data viewings or conversions up to print approval that is all done manually. Data are only transmitted and subsequently processed manually by an operator. Again and again we are given this information by customers who have switched to OEKOPOST due to the high rate of error which is linked to a procedure like that.
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