OEKOPOST - we deliver greener.



· Which ecological advantages can OEKOPOST offer compared to conventional dispatch?

OEKOPOST actually operates 4 print centers in Germany and is in the exclusive position to print near the addressee. By this means considerable savings can be achieved in terms of transport routes of the Deutsche Post and CO2 emissions.
OEKOPOST conveys a fixed share of the price of each letter to be used for CO2 neutralising afforestation.

· • Are there any additional costs arising from ecological dispatch?

Contrary to GoGreen by Deutsche Post OEKOPOST charges no extra costs for ecological dispatch. This fee for afforestation is included in all prices.

· • Does OEKOPOST have a delivery net of its own?

No, OEKOPOST does not run a delivery net of its own but makes use of the delivery services of the Deutsche Post and can – depending on mode and time of dispatch – assure delivery on working days +1 (usual letter) respectively +4 (e.g. with Infobrief/Infopost).

· • Are there any one-off costs for registration or current costs for membership fees?

Each registration with OEKOPOST is free of charge. Besides there are no membership fees. You will be credited a small amount to your account at your first registration which enables you sending yourself a first letter.

· • On demand service – what does that imply?

On demand services are solely services which initiate a downstream process interactively and immediately. This feature is offered by OEKOPOST almost without restrictions on the basis of its Online Center (www.oekopost.de). Our systems are fully automated and can generate real-time deposited data for the end product “letter” 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year.

· • What companies or user groups can use the OEKOPOST services?

The use of OEKOPOST is suitable for almost all dispatchers of letter mail. Due to different types of data input the OEKOPOST service can be embedded by any PC user as far as the XML-/SOAP integration in host systems.

· • Which interfaces for data supply does OEKOPOST hold ready?

- pdf deposit
- pdf mass deposit
- pdf deposit of serial letters
- pcl-5e
- pcl-5e, condensed as zip file
- ms office docs (doc, docx, rtf, Excel)
- web based letter (form)
- FTPS (in combination with a FTP client)
- Windows printer driver 32bit
- Windows printer driver 64bit
- Virtual Mac OS-X printer

· • Which technology is used by OEKOPOST?

Other than the majority of offers made by newspaper publishers or private mail companies etc. OEKOPOST does not utilize so-called third party software. All components are developed, enhanced, monitored and maintained by our own software engineers. Comprehensive and current monitoring measures ensure a high standard of availability of our servers! This means data privacy on a wide scale as no data have to be transferred to servers operated by third party providers in the background.

· • How does OEKOPOST ensure data privacy?

The entire data transfer between the depositor and our online center is mapped by a HTTPS/SSL connection.
The FTP data deposit is made by a SSL secured FTPS connection. The internal connections between the OEKOPOST servers and the print centers are generated by a VPN protocol (VPN=virtual private network) in combination with an additional encoding which means a bug-proof and tamper-resistant data connection. Furthermore all production processes take place within closed print centers keeping the secrecy of the post.
Access to these rooms is allowed to persons authorized by OEKOPOST exclusively.

· • Which ecological advantages can OEKOPOST offer compared to conventional dispatch?

OEKOPOST actually operates 4 print centers in Germany and is in the exclusive position to print near the addressee. By this means considerable savings can be achieved in terms of transport routes of the Deutsche Post and CO2 emissions.
OEKOPOST conveys a fixed share of the price of each letter to be used for CO2 neutralising afforestation.

· • Are there any additional costs arising from ecological dispatch?

Contrary to GoGreen by Deutsche Post OEKOPOST charges no extra costs for ecological dispatch. This fee for afforestation is included in all prices.

· • Does OEKOPOST have a delivery net of its own?

No, OEKOPOST does not run a delivery net of its own but makes use of the delivery services of the Deutsche Post and can – depending on mode and time of dispatch – assure delivery on working days +1 (usual letter) respectively +4 (e.g. with Infobrief/Infopost).

· • Are there any one-off costs for registration or any current costs for membership fees?

Each registration with OEKOPOST is free of charge. Besides there are no membership fees. You will be credited a small amount to your account at your first registration enabling you to send yourself a first letter.

· • On demand service – what does that mean?

On demand services are exclusively services which initiate a downstream process interactively and immediately. This feature is offered by OEKOPOST almost without restrictions by its Online Center under www.oekopost.de. Our systems are fully automized and can generate real-time delivered data 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year for the end product “letter”.

· • What companies or user groups can use the OEKOPOST services?

The use of OEKOPOST is suitable for almost all dispatchers of letter mail. Due to different types of data input the OEKOPOST service can be embedded by any PC user as far as the XML-/SOAP integration in host systems.

· • Which interfaces for data supply does OEKOPOST hold ready?

- pdf deposit
- pdf mass deposit
- pdf deposit of serial letters
- pcl-5e
- pcl-5e, condensed as zip file
- ms office docs (doc, docx, rtf, Excel)
- web based letter (form)
- FTPS (in combination with a FTP client)
- Windows printer driver 32bit
- Windows printer driver 64bit
- Virtual Mac OS-X printer

· • Which technology is used by OEKOPOST?

Other than the majority of offers made by newspaper publishers or private mail companies etc. OEKOPOST does not utilize so-called third party software. All components are developed, enhanced, monitored and maintained by our own software engineers.

· • How does OEKOPOST ensure data protection?

The entire data transfer between the depositor and our online center is mapped by a HTTPS/SSL connection.
The FTP data deposit is made by a SSL secured FTPS connection. The internal connections between the OEKOPOST servers and the print centers are generated by a VPN protocol (VPN=virtual private network) with an additional encoding which means a bug-proof and tamper-resistant data connection. Furthermore all production processes take place within closed print centers keeping the secrecy of the post.
Access to these rooms is allowed to persons authorized only by OEKOPOST.

· • For what kinds of transmissions is OEKOPOST suitable for?

OEKOPOST can automatically handle the following configurations:
-C6 DIN-lang standard
-up to 20g = 3 sheets of paper (6 pages) and compact up to 50g = 8 sheets of paper
(16 pages)
-C5 up to 15 sheets of paper (30 pages)
-C4 up to 50 sheets of paper (100 pages)
letter paper:
We print on FSC-certificated letter paper (80g, bright white) by default.

Printer forms, variably perforated:
Payment form
Direct debiting mandate
Attachments can be added according to individual requirements.

· • How can reliability of enveloping be ensured?

OEKOPOST adds own control characters to each printout hands-off. By using components based on equal systems with printing and enveloping OEKOPOST ensures faultless enveloping at all production bases.

· What happens if a document is damaged when being put into the envelope?

Every document has its own production number. If required any document can be reprinted within the production run.

· Is there also a dispatch control?

Each dispatcher has access to his own dispatch journal in his online environment and can call for the dispatch status of his correspondence. Detailed specifications as to the mode, execution time and costs are available at any time.

· Are there any other interfaces to OEKOPOST?

Should you need a special interface for your data transfer our software engineers will shortly offer you a suitable solution. In the majority of cases we offer this solution free of charge. Please, get in touch with us via support@oekopost.de

· We need to post pdf based invoices but our file does not contain any letter heading. What can be done?

You print your bills on your local printer and insert your pre-printed letter paper (containing your company letter heading) in the feeder of your printer. For that reason your data set only contains the standard print data.
OEKOPOST offers you an online upload of different letter papers – for storage and accretion to your data set at the push of a button.

· We plan to make an initial mailing with OEKOPOST - how to proceed?

As desired and needed you can make the self-explanatory platform guide you or contact our free live support. You will reach it via our contact site and get quick and
professional support.

The following files are necessary for a dispatch of serial letters:
-your pdf file containing the information to be sent (also multi-sided)
(please, leave the address field empty)
-your csv file containing your clients´ addresses and corresponding information
(please, check in your csv file if all homogenous information are placed in one
column one below the other
The serial letters function helps you allocating the required columns. If you want to add further data/features besides the address and the salutation simply allocate the format “user defined cell” to the required columns. You can position and format these cells in the further course.
The serial letters function is divided in 3 steps:
Upload of files > allocation of columns > dispatch options with positioning of data cells.
In the end you are given the dispatch price and a real-time forecast with your first data set and the test printout.
In case you want to use a ready-made word serial letter you are free to also go for this option.

· Can we use our own company letter heading / our own envelopes?

It is basicly possible to use your own letter paper/your own envelopes?
If required we tell you our delivery address.
We will store up to one pallet of your material for free. An inventory software allows you to check your current stock at any time.
Please, note that we can only operate envelopes which can be processed by machine (wet bonding)!
Letter paper should not exceed a weight of 100g.
Warning: We cannot print bled-off and therefore downsize the image of any letter paper transferred electronically.

· Cost calculation: Why it is basicly useful to use OEKOPOST and save up to 70% of the total costs.

Depending on the kind of enterprise different letters are produced, their costs varying with their volumes (pages) – e.g. single letters, serial letters or complete data sets like recurrent billing runs, dunning runs or general correspondence.

Example: cost calculation
For the production and processing of each dispatch there is permanent demand for print materials, laser printer and utilities such as toner or fixing units. In addition to that maintenance costs or possible expenses for purchases of printers arise.

Proceeding from an annual volume of 25.000 pages there are the follwing costs coming up:

At an average daily volume of 50 letters comprising 2 pages each the time expense for processing will be about 1 hour. This calculation already considers the costs for sorting the print object, the manual folding/enveloping and the delivery with the Post Office.

Assumed gross wage per hour is 20 €.

At 220 working days p.a. the gross expenses for wages are 4.400 €.

Your material input for paper and envelopes will be 6 ct per letter sent, supposed you use your on letter paper. At an annual dispatch volume of 15.000 letters you will produce costs for material of about 900 €.

Depending on the type of laser printer effective print costs of about 30 ct come up
(8 ct in black per page at a colour share of 15% in full colour print)

At an annual volume of 30.000 printed pages the rough annual costs will be 9.000 €.

In comparison the costs for black print range at 2.400 €.

Your total costs amount to: 14.300 € with colour print, 7.300 with black print.

In case you moreover use an enveloping machine and/or a franking machine the costs for leasing, finance, maintenance and depreciation must be added still.

In direct comparison your total costs when using the OEKOPOST flat rate „Colour complete” (1. page 22 ct, each follow-up page 14 ct) would sum up to 36 ct.
Using the flat rate “black complete” it would even be 25 ct (14 ct for the 1st page, 11 ct for each follow-up page).

Your total costs with OEKOPOST: 5.400 colour print, 3.750 € black print.

You doubt that our calculation is true?

Just recalculate yourself on the basis of the a.m. positions and their volumes! You will be surprised which costs you have to bear for your production process a year.

No matter how you calculate it – you will not be able to produce your mail comparably cheap yourself.

With its electronic interfaces OEKOPOST can offer almost any mode of dispatch.
Your data will be transferred without a change and absolutely secure. You do not need any change or software adaptation to use OEKOPOST!

Without basis fee, without minimum volume and without a long-term contract!

· We want to dispatch our accumulated daily mail – is this possible?

OEKOPOST allocates a pdf mass upload in the OEKOPOST OnlineCenter. Here you can put an optional volume of daily electronic mail to upload and dispatch it. Ideal for all kinds of dispatches like e.g. the daily billing run or in the environment of daily correspondence. You just need to have internet access.

· Is there any option of a central management of different OEKOPOST accounts?

Yes, we offer the function of a central account.
This bears the advantage that with the use of several OEKOPOST accounts only one money upload onto your account is necessary.
For activating your account as a central account we just need to receive an email from you containing the user names of your desired sub accounts. As soon as we have activated your central account you are free to make credit transfers via settings > profile > available credit to the listed sub accounts and at any time check their balances.
For registration of further accounts a short email e.g. to support@oekopost.de will do. We will subordinate these accounts correspondingly.

· Is there a messaging function about the daily dispatch volume?

Yes, you can receive a daily summary via email. Just tick the cell in your profile and fill in the recipients address (email).

· You have forgotten to credit your account – will there be a messaging function?

Yes, to avoid insufficient credit on your account just set a minimum credit level (e.g. 500 EUR). You will automatically get a message as soon this amount would fall below this line.

· Does OEKOPOST also offer the premium address service of the DPAG (Deutsche Post AG)?

OEKOPOST offers the so-called „Premium-Address-Service“ of the DPAG (Deutsche Post AG) for all kind of letters. For that purpose the dispatcher just needs to inform OEKOPOST about his personal premium address code. As soon as this code is deposited in the OEKOPOST system this feature can be used at any time.

· What do I have to consider concerning a premium address dispatch?

As far as mailings are concerned the placement of the address is made on the basis of the premium address label according to the DPAG guidelines. Just mind the position of the sender´s line to be adapted. This detail can be checked in the pdf outlook. For standard letters please contact us via support@oekopost.de

· OEKOPOST offers two ways of an individual personalisation.

OEKOPOST offers two ways of an individual personalisation.
1. Number of address lines
Maximum number of address lines printed: 6
2. Standard personalisation
In dispatch step 2/3 therefore the following input fields can be activated – the numbers given in brackets mean the positioning on the print leaf, measured in mm from the upper leaf edge downward
sender´s line (53)
subject line (105)
date line (105)
salutation line (121) – your salutation column may contain Hr, Fr, Herr, Frau (German equivalent for “Mr” respectively “Mrs”). In case there is no salutation the salutation line will automatically be filled in by “Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,” (German equivalent for “Dear ladies and gentlemen”)
3. Individual personalisation
In step 2/3 you can make own images and permanently store them. This enables you to take over any information from the uploaded csv file. An outlook window shows the accurate position of the fields in the original document and allows you adding, formatting and placing new fields with only a few mouse klicks “on the fly”!
This way also complex tasks like money transfer forms, debiting forms, vouchers etc. can be set up in a few steps and stored. Once set up these images can be used right away at any time.

· Wir wollen unseren Dokumenten einen Barcode hinzufügen. Ist das auch im Serienbriefversand möglich?

Yes, OEKOPOST offers an option to fill in different bar codes. In this process bar codes stored in the particular columns of the csv file are converted to pictures. The right positioning is made “on the fly” in the original document. As a matter of fact different bar codes can be placed within one document. Please, send your query to support@oekopost.de

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